General SIP information: Response codes, PRACK protocol, caller ID policy, and more.
Key Configuration Notes for Noise SuppressionLearn how to implement and manage Noise Suppression with a guide on key configuration options.
Verified NumbersDiscover the benefits of verifying your phone number on Telnyx, ensuring the CLI is accurate to boost professionalism and trust.
Understanding SIP PRACK ProtocolDeep dive into SIP PRACK protocol, its significance, and how Telnyx supports it.
Telnyx SIP Response CodesThis article highlights the SIP response codes Telnyx uses and their unique meanings!
Telephony Credentials: TypesThis article explains and describes how to setup and use SIP Connection Credentials, On-Demand Credentials and JSON Web Tokens.
Number Level Routing - DeprecationNumber Level Routing is being deprecated. All routing configurations will be updated based on the routing settings of the connection.
TLS and SRTPThis article discusses the importance of security over VoIP and details TLS and SRTP.
SIP RegistrationThis article explains the basic components involved in the SIP Registration process.
SIP Trunking - Methods/Requests & ResponsesHere we will explain different SIP trunking methods/requests and responses.
Verified Numbers FAQSecure your outbound calls. Learn how Telnyx enhances call security. Start building on Telnyx today.
IP Authentication with Tech PrefixIn this article we will explain IP authentication with tech prefixes and when to use them.
Creating a Fail Over Connection/serviceIn this guide we will explain how to create a fail over connection/service.
Audio and CodecsHere we will explain session description protocol and how you can utilize them for your business.
Caller ID Number PolicyA comprehensive guide to the Caller ID Number Policy for Outbound Calls.
Email Notification: International Spend LimitIn this article we will explain why you may have received this email. Start building on Telnyx today.
ZRTP deprecationStarting September 18th, 2023, we will be discontinuing the media encryption configuration for ZRTP in our VoIP platform.
Calls per second (CPS) surchargesUnderstanding CPS surcharges, their impact, and how Telnyx manages high CPS rates.
SHAKEN/STIR ParametersTelnyx customers can now get more granular information on call attestation and verification results with new SHAKEN/STIR verstat parameters
SIP - Record Route HeadersUnderstanding the Importance of Route Headers.
SIP Connection
Guide to SIP connections: AnchorSite® settings, IP authentication, and SIP URI calls.
What is my SIP Account Connection password?When you add a new connection in the Telnyx Mission Control portal you will be able to input a username and password.
Guide to SIP AnchorSite® SettingsThis article explains the AnchorSite® setting in your SIP Connection settings and how it works.
Ip Authentication with X-Telnyx-TokenIn this article we will explain IP authentication with X-Telnyx-Token and when to use them.
SIP Connection: Inbound & Outbound SettingsMaster inbound and outbound voice configurations with Telnyx's comprehensive guideline materials.
SIP Connection: SettingsThis article explains the SIP Connection settings in the Mission Control Portal.
SIP Connection: Number FormatsHere we will talk about SIP connections and ANI/DNIS number format control!
SIP Connection: Fail-over and RetriesIn this article we will explain fail-over and retries and how they are used to make Telnyx so reliable.
SIP URI CallingThis article demonstrates SIP URI functionality for making inbound calls to SIP Connection.