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Email Notification: International Spend Limit

In this article we will explain why you may have received this email. Start building on Telnyx today.

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Written by Dillin
Updated over 9 months ago

Managing Your International Spend with Telnyx Notifications

What is the international spend limit?

  • During every 24 hour period, Telnyx systems automatically monitor international voice spend.

  • If your SIP Connections or Voice API Applications spend more than $700 in international calling, Telnyx will send the account owner an email notification.

  • This is a fraud preventative measure to notify you of potential high cost traffic terminating through your account.

What is considered an international call?

  • An outbound call.

  • Where the destination number country is different from the origination number country.

  • Example would be Ireland +353 as the origination country and United States +1 as the destination country.

What happens when the international spend limit is reached?

  • Telnyx disables any further international calls from terminating on your account.

  • Local calling is not disabled when the International Spend Limit is reached.

    • Examples would be Ireland +353 as the origination country and Ireland +353 as the destination country.

    • Or United States +1 as the origination country and United States +1 as the destination country.

    • In other words, where the origination country and destination country are the same.

Will I see an error code that indicates the limit was reached?

  • Yes the error we return is: 403 International daily spent limit reached D39.

  • A full list of our response codes can be viewed here.

Does the limit reset?

  • The international spend limit resets at 00:00 UTC each day.

  • This means if you incurred $700 in international traffic spend, until 00:00 of the next day, you won't be able to terminate further international calls.

Can I adjust this limit?

This limit is a global default limit for all Telnyx customers. You cannot adjust this from your account but Telnyx Support can increase or decrease this for you. You can read more about the different channels you can contact Telnyx Support here.

What does an example email look like?

Outbound calling email example

What can I do to identify the traffic?

Please visit your reporting section and run a usage report broken down by connection. The report will show you which connections have the highest spend where you can then review the phone systems behind the connections more closely to restrict traffic.

Consider running a detail records report to see what numbers are making the calls and to what destinations.

You can then use some of those example numbers to check call flows and determine the source IP addresses.

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