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10DLC Messaging & Compliance Guide
10DLC Messaging & Compliance Guide

Comprehensive guide on 10DLC messaging, compliance, fees, campaigns, and FAQs.

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4 authors15 articles
Telnyx 10DLC Compliance Directory10DLC allows higher messaging throughput for large SMS campaigns. Learn how Telnyx aids in compliance.
Register for 10DLC MessagingWe break down all of the steps you need to complete in order to comply with 10DLC, and how Telnyx can help.
10DLC: Trust Scores & Use CasesMaster the intricacies of 10DLC messaging. Trust scores, campaign use cases: ensure optimal SMS throughput and brand reputation with Telnyx.
10DLC Fees and ChargesRegistration-related fees, carrier fees, message fees and non-compliance fees associated with A2P 10DLC.
How to create a 10DLC brandCreating a brand is the first step to becoming compliant with 10DLC rules. Read on to learn how you can create your brand.
10DLC Campaign Approval Best PracticesFollow these best practices to get your 10DLC campaigns approved for the vetting process.
How to create a 10DLC campaignCreating a campaign is the second step to becoming compliant with 10DLC rules. Read on to learn how you can create campaigns.
How to assign a number to a campaignAssigning numbers to your campaign is the third step to becoming compliant with 10DLC rules. Read on to learn how you can do this.
Bring Campaigns to TelnyxIn this article, we're breaking down shared campaigns, and showing you how to use them within your Telnyx account.
10DLC Shared CampaignsRegister your campaigns directly with the Campaign Registry and import them to your Telnyx account.
Frequently asked questions about 10DLCLearn about 10DLC- SMS & MMS Long Code Product, launch timeline, and Carrier Fee Changes.
ISVs & 10DLCWe break down how to know if you're classed as an ISV or a direct brand customer, and how ISVs can gain 10DLC compliance with Telnyx.
Telnyx & 10DLC ComplianceA2P 10DLC can have a significant impact on how you use Telnyx services. Here, we break down the key players, and the role that Telnyx plays.
Assigning DID to a 10DLC Campaign FailsPlease reach out to in the case of a 10DLC question or challenge
Messaging - 10DLC Campaign ChecklistTelnyx Messaging - 10DLC Campaign Checklist