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Germany Number Porting

Here you will find a detailed list of requirements for Germany number portability.

Kim Dorson-King avatar
Written by Kim Dorson-King
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Number portability in Germany follows strict rules and procedures that must be followed.

Number length:

The length of a number depends very much on the municipality of the number within Germany as well as whether there are extensions tied to the particular number(s).

  • Numbers in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich have a standard length of 10 digits (excluding leading 0)

  • Numbers in other municipalities have a standard length of 11 digits (excluding leading 0)


If the number(s) that you want to port is longer than 10/11 digits (depending on the municipality in which they are in) then you are using an extended version of that number which is typically a 10 block or 100 block of numbers. This is typically done on the main number which then allows for extensions of numbers in scenarios such as call centers, etc.

It is important to note that if you have an extra one or 2 digits you must check with the current operator to ensure that these numbers can be ported (10/100 block). You must also be assigned the whole 10/100 block. If not, the port of the standard number will be blocked.

It is important to note that only the standard number itself will be ported (not the extension of 10/100 numbers). The whole block extension will not be ported.


+49 (0) 40 123456781 - Hamburg

This number is 11 digits long (excluding leading 0/country code). The actual number itself is +49 (0) 40 12345678

+49 (0) 40 123456780 - 6789 are an extension of that number and not the physical number itself.


Local / National Numbers in Germany

  1. Porting Form (Local address from the same city as the number to be ported)

  2. Latest Invoice (from the current provider(s))

  3. Proof of address

  4. ID / Passport copy / Company Registration certificate

Download porting Local / National form here

Toll-free Numbers in Germany

  1. Porting Form (Local Address required within Germany)

  2. Latest Invoice from the current provider (only if the current provider is a reseller)

  3. Number allocation document (“Zuteilungsbescheid”)

  4. ID / Passport copy / Company Registration certificate

Download porting Toll-free form here

Porting hours

Germany porting requests are scheduled during the standard porting window (6 AM local to 8 AM local). On FOC, the port is triggered by our porting agents with the carrier at 6 AM local, from there the carrier has 2 hours to release the number(s).

Porting outside of the standard window is not available.

Once a port date has been confirmed with the current carrier, it is possible to change the date (the new date must be set at least 5 Business days away from the date change request). Please note that a date change after the request has been submitted/confirmed with the current carrier comes with a date change fee.

Important things to note before completing the porting form(s):

  • There is a maximum of 10 numbers per porting form and/or 1 range

  • For each city that you are porting numbers in, a different form is required including the address within each city to be filled out

  • For each donor carrier, a different form is required

  • Confirm the Number(s) details with your current provider

  • If there is a connection assigned to the number(s)

Contract type

In Germany, you cannot port your numbers until the end of your contract period with the current operator. If you have a future dated contract in place, you must first notify your carrier of your intent to porting your numbers away as well as any other subsequent actions (cancel access line, etc) before submitting your port to Telnyx. Please note that depending on the contract in place with your current operator, you may be charged early termination fees with them. If this is not done prior to submitting the port request to Telnyx then providing that the information on your port is accepted, the confirmed porting date will be the last day of your contract with your current provider.

Termination of connections

If there is a connection assigned to the DiD(s), you must ensure you have discussed the details of the port with the current provider prior to submitting a request with Telnyx. Once the DiD(s) port to Telnyx any remaining connection will be terminated.

If you are unsure of any of the above, please verify this with your current provider.

Porting out of Telnyx

The gaining provider must submit a request by email to providing the Standard German Porting Form (the same template required for porting into Telnyx). Once the request is received, Telnyx will create a Port out request in the end-user’s Portal. This request must be authorized within 4 business days by the end-user. Once the port out is authorized on the end-user’s end, Telnyx will approve the port out with the Gaining Provider.

Number Porting Timelines in Germany

Discover why the phone number porting process can vary from 1 to 7 business days in Germany and what factors influence these timelines.

Seamless Number Porting in Germany with Telnyx

Learn how Telnyx ensures a smooth and efficient number porting process for businesses operating in Germany.

Porting Policy in Germany: Ensuring Transparency

Get informed on Telnyx's porting policies and procedures specific to Germany for a hassle-free number transfer experience.

Moving Numbers from Twilio to Telnyx in Germany

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Resolving Porting Errors in Germany

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Porting Requirements for Germany

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Best Practices for Porting Support in Germany

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