Get insights on Telnyx pricing, rate sheets, billing increments, and rate changes.
The Rate Sheet and LRN explainedWhy does a Rate Sheet price not match the price for a call or why did my rate limit trigger when the rate sheet shows a lower price.
Where can I see Pricing options?In this article we will explain how to find our pricing options and adjust them for your account.
Billing incrementsIn this article we will explain billing increments and how they will affect your bill.
Channel Billing and how to use itLearn how Telnyx channel billing works with a few detailed example scenarios.
Billing: Decimal Values ConsideredHow many decimal values does Telnyx consider when billing? Get that info here.
How do I know if a rate has changed?We will explain how to stay on top of rate changes so you will never be caught off-guard.
Updates to Global Conversational Rate DeckLearn about upcoming changes to Telnyx's Global Conversational rate deck impacting origination types, prefixes, and pricing.
Global Channel Billing