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LNP Rules and Guidelines

Understand the rules and guidelines for Local Number Portability (LNP) with Telnyx's Carrier Services.

Patrick Budzinski avatar
Written by Patrick Budzinski
Updated over 11 months ago

Porting Policy & Port-Out Procedures SPID: 073H

Telnyx LLC (Telynx) ports telephone numbers in accordance with applicable Regulatory Rules and Industry Guidelines.

Please submit a TPP (Trading Partner Profile) when submitting your first LNP request. Please email to obtain Telnyx TPP

Submitting an LSR

  • All LSR requests must be sent to

  • The LSR must be complete, legible and accurate

  • Telnyx does not support handwritten LSRs or LSRs sent via fax

All LSRs must include the following information:

  • Customer Carrier Name Abbreviation (CCNA)

  • Purchase Order Number (PON)

  • Account Number (AN)

  • Desired Due Date (DDD)

  • Company Code (CC)

  • New Network Service Provider (NNSP)

  • Agency Authority Status (AGAUTH)

  • Telephone Number (Initiator) (TEL NO (INIT))

  • Zip Code (ZIP)

  • LOA (attach to email)

  • Numbers to port **Please include a clean Number List alongside your LSR**

To check the status of an LSR please email us. We will respond within 48 hours.

Please allow 48 hours before submitting a status request. We will not respond to status updates within 48 hours of receiving it. Status requests may result in your request being pushed to the back of the queue.

Expedited LSRs are allowed at Telnyx’s discretion.

Email for any changes to the LSR

Types of Ports

Simple Port

As defined by the FCC, simple ports: 

  1. Do not involve unbundled network elements 

  2. Involve an account only for a single line

  3. Do not include complex switch translations (e.g., Centrex, ISDN, AIN services, remote call forwarding, or multiple services on the loop/line) 

  4. Do not include a reseller.

Non-Simple Port

A non-simple port is any port that does not qualify as a simple port. Ports with more than 20 numbers and multi-line accounts qualify as non-simple ports and may require project management.
Contact Telnyx for details before submitting the LSR.

Please note that for non-simple ports Telnyx requires all telephone numbers to be listed on a separate, clean sheet of the LSR in a 10-digit format.

Rejected LSRs

Telnyx will provide a “reject” notice within 48 business hours

LSRs received after 2 PM CT will be considered received on the following business day.

Multi-line accounts may require project management and a longer interval.

Firm Order Confirmation

FOC will be issued if Telnyx determines, based on LSOR standards, that the LSR has no errors or discrepancies.

Telnyx does not accept same-day FOCs.

FOC is valid for 10 business days. The order will be canceled if the number is not activated in NPAC by the end of the third business day.

Cancellations or Reschedules

Cancellation or reschedule requests must be received by 2 PM CST the day before the scheduled port date.

Port Order Hours

Monday - Friday (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT, Central Time). 

Telnyx observes the following holidays:

New Year's Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Day after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve Day

Christmas Day

*If the holiday is on a Saturday, then the Friday before the holiday is observed as a holiday. If the holiday is on a Sunday, then the Monday after the holiday is observed. No porting will be allowed on observed holidays.

Customer Service Records (CSRs)

We do not provide CSRs.

Escalation Contacts

1st Level

Contact Name: Telnyx Porting Department
Porting Support Number: +1 (888) 980 9750 option 4
Porting Email:

2nd Level

Contact Name: Tony Rizo
Contact Description: LNP Team Lead

3rd Level

Contact Name: Patrick Budzinski
Contact Description: Global Manager, Porting and Provisioning

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