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Google VPC: Telnyx Integration

This document will provide instructions and guidelines for integrating a Google Cloud environment with the Telnyx network backbone.

Written by Customer Success
Updated over a year ago

This document will provide instructions, technical details and guidelines for integrating a Google Cloud environment with the Telnyx network backbone. A virtual cross connect (VXC) is a private and direct connection between cloud providers that is faster and safer than a traditional public internet connection. Using this strategy allows you to bypass the internet and gain direct and private access to Telnyx, thereby eliminating hops and reducing the risk of packet loss and jitter. You’ll also benefit from the additional security of direct interconnection.

Note: To protect against man in the middle attacks, we always recommend that you encrypt both signaling and media with TLS & Z/SRTP.

Further documentation:

Instructions for integrating Google VPC with Telnyx

In this activity you will:


  • GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network 

  • For optimal performance, your VPC needs to be located in the same region where you plan to build a Virtual Cross Connect (VXC)

Video Walkthrough

Coming soon! Check back frequently as we are updating our documentation.

1. Create a GPC Partner Interconnect and VLAN attachments

In this step, you'll create a GPC partner interconnect, which will connect your Google Cloud VPC to the Telnyx network. You will then create VLAN attachments which are connections between your local routers and Google Cloud's routers used by your partner interconnect.

  1. Choose Interconnect Type -> Partner Interconnect 

    Google Cloud Platform VPC interface.

  2. Under Add Partner VLAN Attachment -> Check your connection, choose I already have a service provider.

    Partner VLAN Attachment Addition.
  3. Under Add VLAN attachments, fill in the following:

    1. Redundancy: Telnyx recommends selecting Create a redundant pair of VLAN attachments. See pricing for each Virtual Cross Connect here.  Note that a redundant pair of VLAN attachments requires two VXCs.)

    2. VPC network: default

    3. Region:  The region should be the same region where you’re running the software application.

    4. Cloud Router:  The router will be created in the same region as your VPC Network.

    5. Name the VLAN attachment(s): Consider a naming convention similar to us-east-4-vlan-attachment-1 (i.e.: country-region-etc)

      VLAN attachment naming portal.
  4. Click Create.

  5. Now select OK to connect your VPC networks.

  6. Click on VLAN Attachment Detail and copy your pairing key(s). You will need them

2. Provide Telnyx with VXC Preferences

In this step, you'll let Telnyx know your VXC preferences for a network and a site. The network uses virtual routing and forwarding technology to provide you with a unique routing table within Telnyx's routers. A site is a Telnyx Point of Presence (PoP) where we house our network gear.

  1. Log into your Telnyx Mission Control Portal.

  2. Go to the Networking section.

  3. Click Create New Network to create a new one.

    1. If you have one you want to use, click View Details for this network.

  4. Find the Site Detail section of your network and click Add Site(s), then Create VXC to create a new site.

    1. If you have a site you want to use, click Create VXC on an existing site.

    Note that you should select sites that are local to your Google Cloud region(s). See a list of Telnyx sites and their corresponding local Google Cloud regions.

  5. Select Google Cloud as your Cloud Provider.  

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select Bandwidth Speed.  

  8. Click Next. 

  9. Input your Google Pairing Key for you primary VLAN attachment. (i.e., the last number of the pairing key should be "1")   You can retrieve this from, and by viewing VLAN Attachment Detail.  They key will be in the format <random>/<vlan-attachment-region>/<edge-availability-domain>

  10. If you created a redundant link, click Secondary Link and input your Google Pairing Key from the secondary VLAN Attachment (i.e., the last number of the pairing key should be "2")

  11. Review New Virtual Cross Connect (VXC) Request.  Click Create VXC.

3.  Activate the Virtual Cross Connect in Google Cloud

Now that everything is configured, let's activate your VXC in Google Cloud.

  1. Open the Google Cloud Platform VPC at

  2.  For each VLAN Attachment under Actions, Click Activate. (This option may take up to 5 minutes to appear.)  Then Click Accept

    Google Cloud Platform VPC.
  3. For each VLAN Attachment under Actions, Click Configure BGP.  

    Google Cloud Platform VPC VLAN attachment configuration.
  4. In EDIT BGP session, in the Peer ASN field, input 63440.   Click Save and Continue.

    EDIT BGP session tab, in the Peer ASN field.
  5. Click Refresh.  Status should say Up.  

    Refreshed EDIT BGP session tab, in the Peer ASN field.
  6. Copy the Cloud Router IP for each VLAN Attachment.  You will need this in the next step.

    Refreshed EDIT BGP session tab, in the Peer ASN field.

4.  Complete your Order in Telnyx

  1.  Copy the Cloud Router IP for the first VLAN Attachment.  Click Save.  If you have a redundant link, copy the Cloud Router IP for the second VLAN Attachment.  Click Save.

    Cloud router IP portal.

  2. Telnyx will approve your request (this may take up to 3 hours).  Order Status will change from Pending to Active to Complete.  Once an Order Status is complete, the BGP session between Telnyx and Google Cloud will be active.

  3. To receive traffic from Telnyx, your cloud hosts must have public IP addresses configured. Consult your Telnyx representative before clicking 'Enable' if you need assistance.

  4. Under routing status, click the button to enable.  Doing this will transition packet delivery from your Cloud Provider's Internet transit to the private Virtual Cross Connect resulting in a brief traffic disruption.

    Routing status enable button.

That's it, you've now integrated your Google VPC and Telnyx though VXC.

Additional Resources

Review our getting started guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is set up correctly.

Additionally, see:

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