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Configuring Linphone with Telnyx

In this article we will walk you through how to configure Linphone with the Telnyx Mission Control Portal.

Telnyx Sales avatar
Written by Telnyx Sales
Updated over a year ago

Linphone is an open source VoIP softphone SIP client that supports audio and video calls through VoIP softswitches or IP-PBX. It also allows for instant messaging. Since it was launched in 2001, it has become very popular, especially within the open source community.

For Linphone documentation, see:

Instructions for Configuring Linphone with Telnyx


  • Have already created a credentials-based connection on your Telnyx Mission Control Panel account, have assigned this connection to a DID and outbound profile in order to make or receive calls

Video Walkthrough

Coming soon! Check back frequently as we are updating our documentation.

1. Configuring your Linphone

  1. Run your Linphone Softphone and follow the instructions on the wizard.

  2. Once Linphone is up and running, click on the ACCOUNT ASSISTANT option.

    Linphone softphone account assistant wizard 2.
  3. From the Assistant screen, click on USE A SIP ACCOUNT.

    Linphone softphone account assistant wizard 2.
  4. Fill in the form with the following information where:

    1. Username: Your auth username for the SIP connection in your portal.

    2. Display Name: Most Linphone versions use the Display name as the FROM field, so this needs to be your caller id. We have very strict policies about caller id format, which you can read here. If you are not using a Telnyx number you need to verify your number before using it as a caller id you can read more about that here.

    3. SIP Domain:

    4. Password: The auth password for the SIP connection in your portal

    5. Transport: UDP or TCP

  5. SIP Account credentials form.

  6. Click on the USE button.

Your Linphone should now be ready to make calls.

Note: To make outbound calls, Telnyx requires either a valid caller ID from your device or a caller ID override enabled on your SIP connection. Please view our caller ID number policy for information on enabling a caller ID override from within the Telnyx portal.

2. Configuring your Linphone with Encryption

  1. Follow steps 1-4 of section 2.1 with the following exceptions:

    1. In the SIP Domain field, append port 5061 to the end of the server address (i.e.:

    2. In the Transport field, select TLS.

      Linphone encryption configuration interface.
  2. Click on the top right menu and select Preferences.

    Linphone encryption configuration interface 2.
  3. Click on the Call and Chat tab and enable SRTP.

    Linphone encryption configuration interface 3.

3. Setting up Caller ID

At Telnyx we have a very strict caller ID policy. You need to make sure your softphone or system is sending a valid caller id per our policies found here and the number you're using is either a number you have in your account with Telnyx or it's a number that has been previously verified with Telnyx. Instructions on how to verify a number can be found here.

If you are still getting a 403 error about an invalid caller id, the most usual issue is your softphone or system is not correctly passing the caller ID in one of the headers required. As a workaround you will need to setup a caller ID override in the outbound section of your sip connection settings. You can find the instructions in the caller id policy article here.

Additional Resources

Review our getting started guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is set up correctly.

Additionally check out:

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