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Configuring an AVAYA IP trunk with Telnyx

In this article we will walk you through configuring an AVAYA IP trunk with Telnyx so you can get started right away!

Written by Customer Success
Updated over a year ago

Learn how to establish connection between your AVAYA server, and your Telnyx Mission Control Portal. We will describe a sample configuration of the IP trunk and the dialplan.

Additional documentation and resources:

Instructions for configuring an Avaya IP trunk

In this activity you will:


Video walkthrough

Setting up your Telnyx SIP portal account so you can make and receive calls:

Note: Video walkthrough for Avaya/Telnyx configuration coming soon. Check back as we update our docs.

1. Create your SIP line

  1. Under IP Offices/Line add SIP line with the following Configurations:
    ​SIP Line

    Line Number: 100 (whichever number you have available)
    ITSP Domain Name:
    URI Type: SIP
    Location: Cloud
    Prefix: 1 (whichever prefix you'd like to add)
    In service: Enable
    Check OOS: Enable
    Refresh Method: Auto
    Timer (seconds): On Demand


    ITSP Proxy Address:
    Layer 4 Protocol: UDP
    Send Port: 5060
    Use Network Topology Info: LAN 2 (whichever LAN you have configured for SIP trunking)
    Explicit DNS Server(s): Add your DNS Server

    Add channel with the following configurations:

    Via: ( = your public IP)
    Local URI: *
    Contact: *
    Display Name: *
    PAI: *
    Registration: 0:
    Incoming Group: 100 (Number added on SIP Line)
    Outgoing Group: 100 (Number added on SIP Line)
    Max Calls per Channel: 10

    Dial Plan
    Under IP Offices/Short Code add a Short Code with the following Configurations:

    Code: 9N; (you can use 9 or whatever number you want to dial to differentiate Telnyx trunk)
    Feature: Dial
    Telephone Number: 1N
    Line Group: 100 (number added on SIP Line)
    Locale: United States (US English)

Note: To make outbound calls, Telnyx requires either a valid caller ID from your device or a caller ID override enabled on your SIP connection. Please view our caller ID number policy for information on enabling a caller ID override from within the Telnyx portal.

That's it! You've now configured an AVAYA IP trunk and connected it to Telnyx!

Additional Resources

Review our getting started guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is set up correctly.

Additionally, check out:

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