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Configuring an IP Trunk for OSDial

Learn how to set up a connection between you OS dial server and the Telnyx Mission Control Portal.

Written by Customer Success
Updated over a week ago

OSDial is a popular full-featured predictive dialer, that uses Open Source licenses to greatly reduce the cost without sacrificing quality or functionality. Able to dial in every imaginable way, this is the most flexible and cost-effective dialer available today.

Additional documentation:

Instructions for configuring an IP trunk between OSDial and Telnyx

In this activity you will:


Video Walkthrough

Setting up your Telnyx SIP portal account so you can make and receive calls:

Note: Video walkthrough for OSDial/Telnyx configuration coming soon. Check back as we update our docs.

1. Create a SIP trunk

In this section, we will create a SIP trunk between OSDial and your Telnyx account.

  1. Log into the OS dial web portal and going to Admin > Carriers > Add new carrier and provide the following information:

    1. Carrier ID: Telnyx

    2. Carrier Name: Telnyx

    3. Registration String: leave blank

    4. Template ID: None

    5. Account Entry: Telnyx

    6. Disallow: all

    7. Allow: ulaw

    8. Allow: G 729

    9. Type: Peer

    10. Insecure: port,invite

    11. Host:

    12. DTMFMode: RFC 2833

    13. Context: default

    14. Protocol: SIP

    15. Global String: Telnyx=SIP/telnyx

    16. Dial Plan: exten => _9NXXXXXXXXXX,1,AGI(agi://
      exten => _9NXXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(${Telnyx}/${EXTEN:1},60,tTor)
      exten => _9NXXXXXXXXXX,3,Hangup

      In this case, 9 is the prefix that will be dialed to send calls to Telnyx's trunk.

That's it! You're now ready to start making calls with OSDial using Telnyx as your service provider.

Additional Resources

Review our getting started with guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is setup correctly!

Additionally, check out:

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