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Ubiquiti Trunk: Unifi Talk - Auth

Learn how to configure a Telnyx Trunk with credentials-based authentication with Ubiquiti Unifi Talk PBX.

Written by Customer Success
Updated over 9 months ago

The UniFi Talk PBX, provided by Ubquiti, is a subscription-based VoIP phone solution that is the ideal plug-and-play setup for small to medium sized businesses.

Note: Unifi Talk (which we will refer to from here as simply Talk) has specific hardware requirements. Only other Talk devices are compatible with the Talk application. See the pre-requisites section of this document for more information.

Additional documentation:

Instructions for configuring Unifi Talk PBX with your Telnyx Account

In this activity you will:


  • Your Telnyx Portal must be correctly set up and configured for use

  • Have your SIP Credentials (The username/password for your main SIP account or SIP sub-account)

  • Have DID(s) available to assign.

  • You must have a UniFi Console set up and configured: A Dream Machine Pro or Cloud Keygen 2 Plus is required in order for the Talk application to work.

    • If you want to store call recordings, you will also need a hard disk drive, but this is not required for the Talk application to run correctly.

  • PoE switches are required to power and connect your Talk device. UniFi offers their own in-house option.

  • A Talk device. Only Talk devices will work with the Talk application.

  • Your Talk application must be set up and up to date before you continue

    • Ensure you can log into Talk UI

  • Make sure to have completed all firmware updates or other updates on your endpoint(s) (IP Phone)

Video Walkthrough

Setting up your Telnyx SIP portal account so you can make and receive calls:

Setting up a third-party SIP provider with UniFi Talk (in this case, it is

1. Add a Telnyx SIP trunk to your Talk application

In this section, you'll configure Telnyx as your SIP provider within your Talk application.

  1. From your Unifi Talk dashboard, click on the settings icon in the right-hand navigation.

    Settings section on the Unifi Talk dashboard.

  2. Under Unifi Talk settings click System Settings.

    System settings section on the Unifi Talk dashboard.

  3. Find the Third Party SIP Setup section and click on Add Third Party SIP Provider.

  4. You can enter the provider name here (ie: Telnyx).

    Third Party SIP Setup on the Unifi Talk dashboard.

  5. Now we need to add a few custom fields, both the field names AND their corresponding values. Click the Add Fields button. You'll get a popup screen with a + which you can use to add new fields. Add the following information, making sure to type the field names exactly as they're written below:

    1. proxy

    2. realm

    3. username

    4. password

    5. register

    6. sip_cid_type

    7. retry_seconds

    8. expire-seconds

  6. Click on Done when you're finished.

  7. Now you can add values to the fields you just created. In each field, provide the following:

    1. proxy:

    2. realm:

    3. username: Your Telnyx account or sub-account username

    4. password: Your Telnyx account or sub-account password

    5. register: true

    6. sip_cid_type: rpd

    7. retry_seconds: 30

    8. expire-seconds: 120

2. Authorize international outgoing calls

If you want your users to be able to dial out to other countries, you'll need to authorize those. (If you do not want your users making international calls, you can go onto section 3.

  1. From the System Settings config, click the Select Countries button. Make sure your Telnyx account allows for international calling, or this will not work.

    System Settings configuration for Countries' selection.

  2. Click Save.

3. Configure phone numbers

In this section, you'll be importing phone numbers into Talk. You have the option of importing them either manually by entering them one by one, or auto-importing them from a list in a text file.

  1. From the System Settings config, open the DID Numbers section.

  2. To manually import numbers, enter each of your Telnyx DIDs that you provisioned as part of your pre-requisite activities into Input Numbers field in E164 format (ie: +1XXXXXXXXXX).

    1. You MUST provide the + at the beginning of your number string, otherwise you may get parsing errors.

      DID Numbers section on the System settings.

  3. To auto-import numbers from a text file, click the Import Numbers with .TXT File button.

    1. There MUST be the + at the beginning of each number string, otherwise you may get parsing errors.

    2. Make sure each number is on a separate line.

4 Set the IP address range

In this section, you will set the range of ACL IP addresses that you will get from Telnyx. If you do not have these, please reach out to support.

  1. From the System Settings config, click the IP Address Range option.

  2. Click the Add IP Address Range button on the right.

    1. CIDR Network Address: (For international, see this document.) Leave /32 as it is.

  3. Click the Add button.

    IP Address Range option on the System Settings Configuration domain.

5. Assign a phone number to a user

In this section, you'll assign a phone number to each user in your setup. These phone numbers are the DIDs you acquired as part of your pre-requisite activities.

  1. Go to the left-hand navigation and click on the users icon.

    Users icon.

  2. Find the user you want to assign a number and click the Edit button at the far right of their row.

    Edit button.

  3. A user edit popup will appear. Click the Manage dropdown

    Manage dropdown on the user edit popup.

  4. Find the Change Number section. Here you'll see all the DIDs you added in section 3. Any numbers that have not yet been assigned to a user will say "Unassigned" next to them.

    Change Number section.

That's it! You've finished configuring Unifi Talk, and can now start testing calls from your Talk device!

Additional Resources

Review our getting started with guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is setup correctly!

Additionally, check out:

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