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Integrate ScopServ's ScopTEL IP PBX with Telnyx. Dive into steps for SIP channel configuration, trunk creation, and inbound rule setup.

Written by Customer Success
Updated over a year ago

ScopTEL is a comprehensive all-in-one IP PBX solution and call manager. Reliable and scalable, ScopTEL IP PBX provides complete multi-tenant platform as well as a unified communications system and a Call Contact Center.

ScopTEL IP PBX software suite is full virtual and supports all major OS platforms, including virtual machines. Additionally, it provides text and graphic reports that can be configured to analyze historical or real-time data regarding servers, phone extensions and call lines. ScopTEL IP PBX also offers a multilingual GUI (graphical user interface) in a user-friendly web portal for users.

Additional documentation:

Instructions for configuring ScopTel IP PBX to work with Telnyx

In this activity you will:


Video walkthrough(s)

Setting up your Telnyx Mission Control Panel so you can make/receive calls:

Note: Video walkthrough for ScopTEL IP PBX/Telnyx configuration coming soon. Check back as we update our docs.

1. Configure your SIP channel

In preparation to create your SIP trunk, you may need to modify two settings, depending on your needs.

  1. From your ScopTEL portal, click on Configuration in the top navigation to open the Telephony Settings: Channels section.

  2. From the Telephony Settings: Channels section, click the Channels tab.

  3. In the Channels section, click on the SIP Channel tab.

     Configuration section of the ScopTEL portal.

  4. We're going to edit some of these settings. Click Edit at the bottom of this page.

  5. In the editor, find the Miscellaneous section and edit the following:

    1. Enable Session Progress and In-Band Audio: This is used for Asterisk Early Audio with SIP channels. Configure as needed.

    2. Enable Premature Media?: Enabling this option will prevent your SIP channel from automatically initiating early media if it receives audio from the incoming channel before there has been a progress indication. Configure as needed.

    Miscellaneous section of the ScopTEL portal.

  6. Click Save.

2. (RECOMMENDED) Configure SIP TLS/SRTP to encrypt call traffic

In this activity, you'll set up encryption for voice traffic over SIP TLS/SRTP.

Note: If you don't want to configure your trunk to use TLS and encrypt call traffic, jump to step 3.

IMPORTANT: In order to complete this step, you'll need to make sure you've activated SIP traffic encryption on your Telnyx Mission Control Portal per your pre-requisite activities.

  1. From your ScopTEL portal, click on Configuration in the top navigation to open the Telephony Settings: Channels section.

  2. From here, click on the SIP Channel tab and provide the following information:

    1. Enable support for SIP TLS (secure)?: Check this box

    2. Don't verify servers certificate when acting as client?: Check this box.

     Telephony section of the ScopTEL portal.

  3. Click Save.

3. Create a new SIP trunk

In this activity, we're going to create your first SIP trunk through ScopTEL.

  1. From your ScopTEL portal, click on Interfaces in the top navigation to open the Interfaces Manager.

  2. From the Interfaces Manager, click the VoIP Accounts tab.

  3. On the right of this section, click Add a new VoIP Account to open the VoIP accounts configuration utility.

  4. Click on the General tab and provide the following information:

    1. Type: SIP

    2. Trunk Type: Friend

    3. Name: This is your choice. It must be unique and contain ONLY alphanumeric characters. If you want to receive calls on this trunk, you should define the name to be the same as the username. We just chose the generic TelnyxTrunk as an example.

    Server tab of the ScopTEL portal.

  5. Now click on the Server tab and provide the following information:

    1. Username: Your Telnyx account/sub-account username

    2. Password: Your Telnyx account/sub-account password

    3. Host:

    4. Port: 5060

    5. Register as User Agent: Check this box

    6. Enable TLS registration: (OPTIONAL) If you completed step 2, check this box. Otherwise, leave it unchecked.

    7. Contact Extension: Your Telnyx account/sub-account username

    Server tab of the

  6. Next, click on the Network tab and provide the following information:

    1. Transport mode: Choose UDP, TCP, or both UNLESS you have created a SIP trunk with TLS. In this case, only check TLS.

    2. Insecure: Check the box next to Invite.

    Network tab of the ScopTEL portal.

  7. And finally, click on the Options tab and provide the following information:

    1. DTMF Mode: Automatic (Will use RFC 2833)

    2. Send Remote-Party-ID: Check this box

    3. Codecs: Select any Telnyx-supported audio and video codecs:
      Supported audio codecs:

      1. ulaw(g711u)

      2. alaw(g711a)

      3. g722

      4. g729

      Supported video codecs:

      1. H264

    4. Disallowed Methods: Check the box next to UPDATE.

    Options tab of the ScopTEL portal

  8. Click Add.

4. Create inbound rules

In this activity, you'll set inbound rules which will allow you to receive incoming calls from your Telnyx DIDs that you provisioned as part of your pre-requisite activities.

  1. To create an incoming line, Click Lines in the top-navigation.

  2. In the Lines Manager: Incoming Lines sub-section, click on the Incoming Lines tab.

  3. Click on the Add a new Incoming Line on the right to open the Incoming Lines form.

  4. Click on the General tab and provide the following information:

    1. Extension (DNIS): Your Telnyx DID number that you provisioned as part of your pre-requisite activities.

    2. Trunk: Use the dropdown menu to select the trunk you just created.

    Inbound rules settings section.

  5. Click Add.

That's it! You've now configured a trunk to work between ScopTEL IP PBX and Telnyx!

Additional Resources

Review our getting started guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is set up correctly.

Additionally, check out:

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