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Sansay: SBC VSXi Setup

In this article we will walk you through configuring a Sansay SBC with the Telnyx Mission Control Portal.

Written by Customer Success
Updated over a year ago

The Sansay VSXi session controller is a high-performance software-based SBC that provides critical functions for communications service providers, including security and DDoS protection, network address translation, protocol interworking and traffic management. The VSXi selects optimal routes for voice communications traffic and assures effective interworking with outside networks. For subscriber-facing traffic management, the session controller provides packet-header manipulation and digit mapping for automatic number identification (ANI) and dialed number identification services (DNIS) manipulation. It is currently the highest performing session control platform on the market.

Additional resources:

Instructions for Configuring Sansay SBC's VSXi Session Controller

In this activity you will:


Setting up your Telnyx SIP portal account so you can make and receive calls:

Note: Video walkthrough for Sansay SBC/Telnyx configuration coming soon. Check back as we update our docs.

1. Create Resources

  1. Log into your Sansay portal and select Resources from the navigation.

  2. Create two new resources, one for your inbound trunk, and one for an outbound trunk.

2. Define resource settings for your inbound trunk

In this section, you'll configure the SIP server information for inbound trunks.

  1. For the first trunk, provide the following settings:

    1. Resource Type: Inbound

    2. Resource Type: Peering

    3. Protocol: SIP

    4. SIP Profile: SIP_Peering:0

    Under General Info

    1. SIP Trunk ID: 1000

    2. Trunk name: Telnyx Inbound

    3. Company Name: Telnyx

    4. Route Table: :0

    5. Remote Port: 5060

    6. Service Port: SIP Public Default 1:1

    7. Aggregate Capacity: 1200

    8. Average CPS Limit: 500

    9. Authorized RPS: 500

    10. Unauthorized RPS: 500

    11. Group Policy: Round Robin

    12. Digit Mapping Table: no-translation:0

    13. Min Call Duration: 0

    14. Max Call Duration: 43200

    15. RTP TOS: B8

    16. Direction: Both

    17. Service State: inservice

    18. Allow Direct Media: No

    19. No Answer Timeout: 120

    20. No Ring Timeout: 30

    21. Option Poll: Disable

    22. Cause Code Profile: Default:0

    23. Stop Route Profile: Default:0

    24. PAI: Disable

    Under Digit Translation & RN Handling

    1. Ingress & Egress: can be set to all

    2. Outbound ANI: pass

    3. Tech Prefix: default

    Under Codec Info:

    1. Policy: enforced

    2. Codec 1: g711u64k

    3. Codec 2: None

    4. Codec 3: None

    5. Codec 4: None

    6. Codec 5: None

    7. Codec 6: None

    8. Codec 7: None

    9. Codec 8: None

    Under Fqdns Info:

    1. Depending on which of our SIP Proxies and media servers you interact with, based on your location, we recommend reviewing our signalling IP addresses & media IP addresses articles.
      Signalling IPs:

      SIP signaling addresses for Outbound Calls.

      Media IP's:

      Media IPs sections of the Media tab.

  2. Click save as & then submit. Now we can work on the outbound trunk.

3. Define resource settings for your outbound trunk

In this section, you'll configure the SIP server information for outbound trunks.

  1. Provide the following settings for your outbound trunk:

    1. Resource Type: Outbound

    2. Resource Type: Peering

    3. Protocol: SIP

    4. SIP Profile: SIP_Peering:0

    Under General Info

    1. SIP Trunk ID: 1001

    2. Trunk name: Telnyx Outbound

    3. Company Name: Telnyx

    4. Route Table: :0

    5. Remote Port: 5060

    6. Service Port: SIP Public Default 1:1

    7. Aggregate Capacity: 1200

    8. Average CPS Limit: 500

    9. Authorized RPS: 500

    10. Unauthorized RPS: 500

    11. Group Policy: Round Robin

    12. Digit Mapping Table: no-translation:0

    13. Min Call Duration: 0

    14. Max Call Duration: 43200

    15. RTP TOS: B8

    16. Direction: Both

    17. Service State: inservice

    18. Allow Direct Media: No

    19. No Answer Timeout: 120

    20. No Ring Timeout: 30

    21. Option Poll: Disable

    22. Cause Code Profile: Default:0

    23. Stop Route Profile: Default:0

    24. PAI: Disable

    Under Digit Translation & RN Handling

    1. Ingress & Egress: can be set to all

    2. Outbound ANI: pass

    3. Tech Prefix: default

    Under Codec Info:

    1. Policy: enforced

    2. Codec 1: g711u64k

    3. Codec 2: None

    4. Codec 3: None

    5. Codec 4: None

    6. Codec 5: None

    7. Codec 6: None

    8. Codec 7: None

    9. Codec 8: None

    Under Fqdns Info:

    1. Depending on which of our SIP Proxies and media servers you interact with, based on your location, we recommend reviewing our signalling IP addresses & media IP addresses articles.
      Signalling IPs

      Signaling addresses for Outbound Calls.

      Media IPs

      Media IPs for Subnets.

  2. Click Save as & submit to create your trunk. This will push the configuration to Sansay.

That's it! You've now configured resources for your inbound and outbound trunks.

Additional Resources

Review our getting started with guide to make sure your Telnyx Mission Control Portal account is setup correctly!

Additionally, check out:

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