How many concurrent outbound calls or channels can be active at once?
When you have signed up to Telnyx's Mission Control Portal, by default you are set to a global value of 2 concurrent outbound calls. Upon approval for Level 2 verification, this will increase to 10 concurrent calls. We are happy to accommodate more based on your requirements, if you have been Level 2 verified you can reach out to us at to increase your limit It is recommend to provide information on your use case should you wish to increase the channels beyond 100.
How will I know when the concurrent outbound call channel limit has been reached?
You will know when you have reached this limit as Telnyx returns the SIP error response: D1 - 403 User channel limit exceeded D1
The number of concurrent outbound calls for the account is over the limit. This relates to the global account concurrent call limit set in your outbound voice profile section.
You can find more information on all of our SIP responses here.